Last week, I passed an amendment to prevent anyone from stealing your personal information from the electric “smart meter” outside your home.
I realize that that’s not quite the same thing as bringing about world peace. Or curing cancer. But please recognize the impulse behind it: To Help You. To get good things done – for you.
You may receive e-mails from other political candidates. I know one who sent out two e-mails last week, imparting the essential information that he likes fishing. Maybe he wants to be Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service.
Ask yourself this: When was the last time that you saw an e-mail from another candidate who said “I did this thing, and it’s a good thing that will benefit you”?
Me neither.
In the last three years, I have passed more than FIFTY amendments on the Floor of the House. That’s more amendments than any other Member of Congress, Democratic or Republican. That’s roughly ten times as many as my three Congressional opponents. They all could have done what I did to help you – and they didn’t. That’s why I deserve your support in my Senate race.
I don’t just talk the talk – I walk the walk. Let’s walk that walk together >>
None of my 50+ amendments was a tax break for a PAC, a no-bid contract for a billionaire, “deregulation” for a multinational corporation, or an earmark for a donor. But there was one thing that all of them had in common: every one of them was something to make your life better.
Isn’t that what you want from an elected official? A legislator? A leader?
You won’t see me selling the law to the highest bidder. But campaigns cost money. I have to ask 19,000,000 people for their support. A single internet banner ad that says “Vote for Me” would cost $150,000. For real.
I’m not asking you for $150,000. I’m asking you for $26.78, our average online donation, each month between now and the election, something that you can do right here >>
I know what you want. You want a progressive champion, someone who knows how to get good things done. OK, you’ve got one. Now you be my champion, so that I can keep making good things happen for you.
$26.78 a month. That’s a small price to pay for good government.
Rep. Alan Grayson
America is at a tipping point.
Will we be a nation with a strong middle class, or a nation of wage slaves and cheap labor? Will we be a nation of the well-educated, or a nation where a college degree means lifelong debt? Will we be a nation where the wealthy pay their fair share, or a nation where Warren Buffett’s secretary pays taxes at a higher rate than he does? Will we be a nation where seniors live in dignity, or a nation where they live in poverty? Will we be a nation of perpetual war, or a nation at peace?
Marco Rubio, my Senator, doesn’t care. The Senate bores him. He can’t be bothered to show up and vote.
Marco Rubio has given up on doing his job, because he thinks he’s found a better one: United States President. It’s disgusting to see him miss so many votes (a third!), and still cash that paycheck of almost $15,000/month in taxpayer dollars.
Don’t think this is some Alan Grayson Partisan Crusade™ to attack some Republican whom I don’t like. Showing up for work is not a partisan issue. The Sun Sentinel, which endorsed both Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio in the past, has joined my call in asking Rubio to resign. He says he hates the Senate, and he isn’t showing up for the job. Fine — then just do us a favor, Marco, and quit.
Maybe Mr. Thinks-He-Should-Be-President believes that he’s too important to do the job of a mere Senator. But Senator Rubio, you have a responsibility to do your job – that’s why you run, that’s why the people elect you. Because the voters expect you to show up, do something useful, and improve the lives of 19,000,000 people who are depending on you.
Stop faking it, Marco; it’s pathetic. Demit yourself. Stand aside, step down, stand down and sign off.
Rep. Alan Grayson
Candidate for U.S. Senate
We need to protect Social Security and Medicare from the devastating cuts being negotiated in Washington. Can you take one minute to add your name to our petition today?
There’s a breaking news story from the New York Times reporting that the White House and Congressional Republicans are about to announce a deal that includes cuts to Social Security and Medicare.
I just heard the news — and I’m furious. How can the White House even think about capitulating to the Republicans, especially on vitally important programs like Social Security and Medicare? Veterans, the disabled, and our seniors rely on these programs to survive in an economy that is rigged against ordinary Americans. Things are already bad enough, and the last thing they can afford are brutal cuts at the hands of President Obama and the House Republicans.
This is why I need to be in the U.S. Senate — because I put people ahead of partisan politics, and the needs of the Wall Street cabal. If I were in the U.S. Senate, you can bet that I would filibuster this piece of trash.
Since I can’t filibuster in the House, I need you to sign our petition telling the White House and every member of Congress that cutting Social Security and Medicare is just wrong and fatal for millions of Americans. Can you add your name to our petition demanding the White House kill this terrible deal?
Rep. Alan Grayson
Candidate for U.S. Senate
Which would you prefer:
Would you like to fire muskets at small, innocent animals, together with Ted Cruz?
Would you like to listen to Donald Trump shout at you through a six-course gourmet meal, undoubtedly the greatest meal ever served in the history of meal-kind?
Would you like to play Scrabble with Sarah Palin? (DontChaKnow = 24 points!)
None of those? Good. Because I have a better offer.
We’re flying one lucky supporter and his or her guest out to Orlando, Florida to have a de-lite-ful experience at Disney World – and have dinner with me. (Not that those things are mutually exclusive.) We will cover the airfare and hotel and dinner expenses, and the park tickets, so that you can focus on having a great time at the Happiest Place on Earth. All you need to do is enter by making a gift to our campaign of $3 (or more, ‘cause we need it) right here:
How do I know that you’ll like it? Because I like it. Almost 20 years ago, I moved to a spot within a stone’s throw from Disney World. And I have spent many a pleasant – no, actually, joyous – day there with my five children.
If the Congressman from Disney World tells you it’s fun, then it’s fun.
I want to give one lucky supporter a chance to have that fun, together with one even luckier guest. Who would you bring with you?
By the way, if you would rather not have dinner with me, that’s OK. We’ll have lunch instead. Or even breakfast, if you insist. I’m giving you plenty of leeway here.
WARNING: If you don’t participate, you’ll miss out on a chance to create a lifelong memory, break Mickey-bread with me, and help our campaign return progressive values to Our Nation’s Capital. So for goodness sake, I’m begging you, don’t miss out — make your contribution today, and you’ll be automatically entered. This may be the only chance I’ll ever have to meet you!!
It’s that simple. Help our campaign. Get a chance to win a free trip. Seems pretty simple, if you ask me.
Contribute now — and you’ll be entered automatically to win >>
Rep. Alan Grayson
Candidate for U.S. Senate
“When you wish upon a star,
Makes no difference who you are.
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you.”
- When You Wish Upon a Star (1940) (from “Pinocchio”)
I have five children. I’ve learned that one of the worst things that a parent can ever do is to accuse a child falsely. When they do something wrong, they will accept punishment. And when they don’t, they won’t. A false accusation hurts them far deeper than punishment does.
That’s probably how Hillary Clinton feels right now.
I’m on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. I’ve read every classified document regarding Benghazi. Take it from me: Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong. This is the “scandal” that never was.
So it must be utterly mortifying to her to see the Republicans wasting taxpayer money to conduct this political vendetta against her.
But there are some people who do deserve a heaping helping of blame. Like the three Democrats in the House today (among 188 of us) who voted for the Benghazi Committee show trial. Trey Gowdy referred to them in his opening statement today, pointing out that they had voted for his anti-Hillary witch-hunt.
One of those three is my Senate Democratic primary in Florida, Patrick Murphy.
He ignored warnings at the time, from everyone from Nancy Pelosi on down. He voted with the Republicans to authorize this evil farce. Because that’s what he really is: a Republican.
And listen to Patrick Murphy’s incredible post hoc rationalization: He was sure that the Benghazi Committee – run by a former GOP prosecutor – would exonerate Hillary Clinton.
Maybe Patrick’s rich daddy should buy Patrick Murphy a ticket on the Clue Train. Because he doesn’t have a clue.
Seriously – does that sound like U.S. Senate material to you? Was he dumbfounded, or just dumb?
While we endure this taxpayer-funded smear GOP campaign against a Democratic Presidential candidate, let’s think about who really deserves some blame.
Make a contribution of $27.48 — our average contribution this week — to keep Patrick Murphy’s bad judgment out of the U.S. Senate >>
Alan Grayson
Candidate for Senate (D-FL)
Contributions to the Committee to Elect Alan Grayson
are not tax deductible.